Episode 24 | 2 : Il faut beaucoup aimer les hommes

Searching for Justice: Proust and the Dreyfus Affair Les Bookworms

We're back on the Proust train. This episode covers the first chapter of Volume 3 – The Guermantes Way (Le Côté de Guermantes). We focus on the Dreyfus Affair and its role in French society at the time of Proust and today.
  1. Searching for Justice: Proust and the Dreyfus Affair
  2. Through the Pages of Time
  3. In Search of Lost Podcasts: Les Bookworms Revival
  4. 2 Down 5 to Go: Reflections on Volume II of Proust
  5. A mix of gumption and courage: Paris memoirs

Aperçu du livre

Ce roman raconte une histoire d’amour entre une française et un Canadien-camouronais. Tandis que leur affaire commence à Hollywood, ils traversent les frontières et explorent la culture, l’identité, la race, le désir, et la réjection. Darrieussecq écrit une histoire complexe qui montre comment l’imagination coloniale transforme toujours la pensée consciente et inconsciente. Son style littéraire est allégorique. Elle évoque plusieurs thèmes pendant la lecture qui inclut “au cœur de ténèbres” par Joseph Conrad en construisant une discussion psychologique et critique. Le roman souligne le racisme continuel et met en évidence la complexité de l’intersectionnalité dans le présent.


La France, les Etats-Unis, et le Congo

Les thèmes déterminants

  1.   Identité culturelle et sa fluidité
  2.  “le problème de l’Afrique”
  3.  Le racisme systémique et la république qui ne connaît pas la race

Comment ce livre raviver, approfondir, ou contester ton idée de la francophonie?

Episode 23|2 : Men

Searching for Justice: Proust and the Dreyfus Affair Les Bookworms

We're back on the Proust train. This episode covers the first chapter of Volume 3 – The Guermantes Way (Le Côté de Guermantes). We focus on the Dreyfus Affair and its role in French society at the time of Proust and today.
  1. Searching for Justice: Proust and the Dreyfus Affair
  2. Through the Pages of Time
  3. In Search of Lost Podcasts: Les Bookworms Revival
  4. 2 Down 5 to Go: Reflections on Volume II of Proust
  5. A mix of gumption and courage: Paris memoirs


In a way, this is a modern Hollywood love story that explores culture, identity, race, longing, and rejection. And yet, Darrieussecq weaves a complex story illustrating how the colonial imagination continues to shape conscious and unconscious thought. In an allegorical literary style, she plays with themes found in the Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad to construct a psychological discussion on race, ethnicity, national identity, social expectations, and intersectionality of today’s modern times. Using timely and accurate references, it becomes clear that societal norms have not fully changed and the reader, like the characters in the novel need to confront reality.


France, USA, and Congo

Overarching Themes

  1. Cultural Identity and Fluidity
  2. Seeing color/race
  3. “Le problème de l’Afrique”
  4. Institutional and Systemic Racism

How does this book question the idea of the Francophonie? (Does it go against the grain? Does it stay stereotypical?) 

This book is a critique on French racism and the colonial imagination that still remains. By having a white female protagonist, the perceived “White” misconceptions are placed upon Solange. However, Solange doesn’t exactly fit this role as she herself is an outsider in America and she considers herself an outsider in France as her parents were from Senegal, but she grew up in the Basque region. Therefore, the book exemplifies the complexity of colonial imagination within the French identity and how it is very much present in French society today. So, I think it expands the Francophonie and pushes back on the normative Francophonie. 

Episode 22| 2 : Les fantômes du roi Léopold

Searching for Justice: Proust and the Dreyfus Affair Les Bookworms

We're back on the Proust train. This episode covers the first chapter of Volume 3 – The Guermantes Way (Le Côté de Guermantes). We focus on the Dreyfus Affair and its role in French society at the time of Proust and today.
  1. Searching for Justice: Proust and the Dreyfus Affair
  2. Through the Pages of Time
  3. In Search of Lost Podcasts: Les Bookworms Revival
  4. 2 Down 5 to Go: Reflections on Volume II of Proust
  5. A mix of gumption and courage: Paris memoirs

Aperçu du livre

Adam Hochschild retrace l’histoire de la colonisation et construction d’un État personnel au monarque blegesur le fleuve Congo. Le roi Léopold II de la Belgique était un homme avide de pouvoir et de gloire. Il est orchestré et brutalement exécuté une campagne de domination pour attraper une colonie pour en retirer des bénéfices personnels. Ce livre raconte la presse, les stratégies, les accords, et les décisions des autres pays et coupables qui ont choisi de fermer les yeux. Par ailleurs, Hochschild raconte également des organisations et des gens qui se sont levés contre ces atrocités. Ce récit de crimes oubliés, véritable dissection du système colonial, aide à la compréhension d’une actualité tragique. 


la Belgique et le Congo (colonial)

Les thèmes déterminants

  1. Le roi Léopold | la marionnettiste 
  2. La géopolitique
  3.  L’importance des histoires

Comment ce livre raviver, approfondir, ou contester ton idée de la francophonie?

Je suis reconnaissante qu’on ait lu ce livre. Je connaissais très peu de l’histoire de la Belgique et l’histoire du Congo. Grâce à ce bouquin, mon idée de la francophonie s’est énormément approfondi. Ce texte et les faits présentés m’ont beaucoup pendant mes lectures suivantes qui impliquent les endroits, les colons, et les événements qui se sont passés. J’en parlerai plus dans les prochains épisodes.  

Me Talk Pretty One Day


David Sedaris

Back Cover

Me Talk Pretty One Day is a series of essays divided in two parts: life in the USA and life in France. The first half explores his childhood and young adult years with memories of his family. The second half focuses on his move from New York to France where takes a French language class, walks around Paris listening to English audiobooks, hides in cinemas, and largely recounts odd tales from his time as an expat in France.

Our Thoughts

To be upfront, this was my first Sedaris book that I stumbled across as recommendation from another podcast. If you’re looking for a story dedicated to the adventures or in some cases misadventures in France then the first half of this book won’t be of interest as it’s mostly random stories from his life in America. Even during the second half which explores the French side a bit more, I never really got into it. I never found the humor in the stories. Sure there are some humorous anecdotes that anyone who doesn’t speak the language in a country would be able to tell. I did find it interesting to learn or think about issues or what it was like to move in the late 90s and early 2000s. I always enjoy thinking back to how things were so different and how quickly realities change. The book overall wasn’t for me, but I am probably not the intended target audience. 

Page Count: 272

Episode 21|2 : King Leopold’s Ghost

Searching for Justice: Proust and the Dreyfus Affair Les Bookworms

We're back on the Proust train. This episode covers the first chapter of Volume 3 – The Guermantes Way (Le Côté de Guermantes). We focus on the Dreyfus Affair and its role in French society at the time of Proust and today.
  1. Searching for Justice: Proust and the Dreyfus Affair
  2. Through the Pages of Time
  3. In Search of Lost Podcasts: Les Bookworms Revival
  4. 2 Down 5 to Go: Reflections on Volume II of Proust
  5. A mix of gumption and courage: Paris memoirs


 Leopold’s Ghost explores the exploitation and colonization of the Congo Free State by King Leopold of Belgium from inception to the king’s death, an area now separated into the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Republic of Congo, . It recounts the terrifying greed and lack of empathy of Leopold in his single desire to own and command a “piece of the African cake”. Unlike the non-fiction of my history class, the book highlights specific people within the timelines of this terror, creating an enthralling read that underscores how history is told, and the many small steps needed to keep the atrocities of this time quiet.


Belgium and (colonial) Congo

Overarching Themes

  1. King Leopold II – the “chessplayer”
  2. Geopolitics and Complicity
  3. Importance of Stories and Pop Culture

How does this book question the idea of the Francophonie? (Does it go against the grain? Does it stay stereotypical?) 

This broadened my understanding of the Francophonie because it touched on French as a second language in Belgium as well as discussing the politics beyond colonialism. Oftentimes the colonial system is presented as something that existed, it was bad, and was later dismantled. This book provided names, dates, letters, and other documents that showed exactly who was doing what and for what reasons. It was personal and disgusting. I appreciated learning the names of those responsible instead of letting their responsibility for these atrocities be forgotten in history. 

Le Piano Oriental


Zeina Abirached

Back Cover

Cette bande dessinée est inspirée de la vie de son grand-père qui est inventeur d’un  nouvel instrument de musique – le piano oriental! Il a créé un piano qui joue de la musique occidentale et orientale dans le Beyrouth des années 1960. La métaphore du piano est amusante et touchante en lisant l’histoire de Zeina Abirached, la petite-fille, qui se trouve à Paris dans une autre culture. Pendant ce récit, les deux cultures, les deux mondes, et les deux musiques cohabitent. 

The graphic novel recounts the dual stories of a grandfather and granddaughter. The grandfather’s story unfolds in the 1960s in Beirut before the civil war while the granddaughter’s leads her to Paris several decades later. The piano is central to the story as it is used as a metaphor for the fusion of cultures, worlds, and music. With a switch of the peddle, the instrument can change the tempo and sound just like the granddaughter does in France (code switching between Lebanon and France). A beautifully illustrated novel with an equally touching story.

Our Thoughts

I was fortunate enough to hear Zeina Abirached speak. One of the things that struck me most was when she said that she writes in French but draws in Arabic. The beautiful illustrations depict the knitting of words and how easily words and cultures can shift just like the piano in order to play new and sometimes strange words and sounds. I love how this BD weaves both the story of her grandfather and his piano with her own cross cultural journey. I truly enjoyed the illustrations, storyline, and cultural exploration. I highly recommend it!


Graphic Novel

Page Count: 208

The Margot Affair


Sanaë Lemoine

Back Cover

“Margot Louve is a secret: the child of a longstanding affair between an influential French politician with presidential ambitions and a prominent stage actress. This hidden family exists in stolen moments in a small Parisian apartment on the Left Bank.

It is a house of cards taht Margot – fueled by a longing to be seen and heard – decides to tumble. The summer of her seventeenth birthday, she meets the man who will set her plan in motion: a well-regarded journalist whose trust seems surprisingly easy to gain. But as Margot is drawn into an adult world she struggles to comprehend, she learns how one implusive decision can threaten a family’s love with ruin, shattering the lives of those around her in ways she could never have imagined.

Exposing the seams between private lives and public faces, The Margot Affair is a novel of deceit, desire, and transgression – and the exhilarating knife-edge upon which the danger of telling the truth outweighs the cost of keep secrets.”

Our Thoughts

There is so much to say about this book. To start – I absolutely loved it! It was beautifully written and such an intriguing story. I listened to Sanae Lemoine’s interview with Lindsey Tramuta which I highly recommend on top of getting this book. I have to agree that this book is so French yet completely anglophone. I can’t quite put my finger on it perhaps how the dialogue was written, the movement of the plot, or even the themes explored. It was such an intimate portrayal of a young woman and evoked such emotion throughout the entire story. It’s brilliant, and I highly recommend it!

I found it fascinating to think of all the various lovechildren that have been pushed into the spotlight in France throughout the years. The book references the famous example of the former French President Mitterrand who had a second family and a daughter who attend his public funeral.

Beyond the ties to a very real aspect of French life, the emotional confusion and youthful missteps created a very emotional journey for the reader. I was amazing how much I felt for the young protagonist as you see her struggle with the adult world and make mistakes that one can only do in the teenage years on the cusp of adulthood yet so far in other wise. This book may on the surface appear to be a book about a father and daughter, but i the mother daughter relationship was very powerful and present in various forms. Such a wonderful read and is now out in paperback!

Page Count: 323

Bonjour Tristesse


Françoise Sagan

Back Cover

L’héroïne, Cécile, une adolescente de 17 ans, passe l’été dans une villa magnifique abord de la Méditerranée. Elle découvre l’amour, les baisers, et  les rendez-vous avec un voisin en même temps que son père décide entre deux maîtresse. Ils s’amusent bien jusqu’à la tragédie qui les force à rendre compte de leurs propres rôles.

Published when she was only nineteen, Françoise Sagan’s first novel Bonjour Tristesse became an instant bestseller worldwide. The story largely focuses on the young protagonist, Cécile, who leads a relatively carefree life with her widowed father and his young mistresses. However, the summer vacation after failing an exam changes everything for the father daughter duo with the reappearance of an old friend of her mother.

Our Thoughts

L’écrivaine, elle-même, est tellement intéressante. Elle avait 19 ans quand elle a écrit ce roman en six semaines! Inconnue et jeune, Sagan a fait scandale avec la publication de cette histoire. Bonjour Tristesse est rapidement devenu un best-seller mondial. 

C’est vrai que le choc associé à ce roman est moindre parce la société a évolué. Je connais des gens qui ont une relation presque similaire à celle présentée dans ce roman. Cependant, la publication de Bonjour Tristesse a créé une scandale avec pleins de critiques parce que les années 50 n’étaient pas une époque connue pour la libération des mœurs. L’héroïne, Cécile, une adolescente de 17 ans, découvre le plaisir et fait l’amour sans que la sanction en soit la grossesse ou le mariage. Bien sûr que ce genre de mœurs n’existe plus aujourd’hui. 

At the time of publication, this book shocked audiences around the world due to its casualness concerning sex and pleasure for the young protagonist Cecile. The 17 year-old has a very causal and close relationship with her father where they discuss intimate details of their lives. The short novel discusses various mistresses and the conquests of her father. However, the book has a tragic ending that leaves Cecile reflecting on her role in the events that unfolded over the summer.

I found that the shock value was not the same reading it in 2021 as society has progressed since the 1950s. Relationships between fathers and daughters like theirs exist more frequently now. Lastly, women’s liberation, contraceptives, and society in general has evolved greatly since the original publication. It certainly is a famous read that is worth it today – just don’t be waiting to be shocked by its contents.

Page Count: 213

Présentes – Ville, médias, politique… Quelle place pour les femmes ?


Lauren Bastide

Back Cover

“Être visibles. Marcher dans la rue sans peur. Exprimer haut et fort nos opinions. C’est ce que la société interdit aux femmes et aux minorités. Et c’est le programme de ce livre.
Messieurs qui tenez les manettes, si vous voulez régler le problème, les ­chercheuses et militantes féministes ont fait le boulot. Les mécanismes sont identifiés, les solutions existent. Tout est là. Ce qu’il manque maintenant, c’est votre volonté.
Or, chaque jour, on constate qu’elle est nulle. Manifestement, l’idée de vivre dans un monde où les femmes seraient vraiment les égales des hommes ne vous emballe pas plus que ça. » L.B.

Avec Présentes, Lauren Bastide signe un manifeste féministe ultra-documenté, nourri par les réflexions des militantes les plus inspirantes de la génération #MeToo. Un livre à mettre entre toutes les mains pour mieux comprendre les nouvelles luttes féministes et antiracistes d’aujourd’hui.”

Our Thoughts

Lauren Bastide’s book is an excellent modern essay on women’s rights, feminist movements in France, and gender politics. I enjoyed reading this around the same time as Simone de Beauvoir’s Second Sex as it bookends the beginning and current women’s movements. In some ways, we’ve progressed and in others we are still struggling against the same issues from 1949. I highly recommend this book as it is well written, highly cited (which is such a bonus because I have and will continue to look up her sources for more reading material)! This book is an empowering testament to the women have been hustling and pushing for better treatment, rights, respect, and representation over the years. I will be keeping this close as I’ve already pulled it off the shelf several times since my first read.

Je vous recommande cette lecture pour ses qualités d’analyse et de réflexion sur l’actualité féminine en France. Le livre est bien écrit et basé ! J’ai notamment apprécié la manière dont Lauren Bastide offre les notes et les références. Je l’utilise depuis ma première lecture! Elle témoigne du travail acharné et de l’engagement des françaises qui jouent un rôle de premier plan. Je le garde près parce que je sais que je reviens sur ses pages.   

Page Count: 250

Episode 20|2: L’Etranger

Searching for Justice: Proust and the Dreyfus Affair Les Bookworms

We're back on the Proust train. This episode covers the first chapter of Volume 3 – The Guermantes Way (Le Côté de Guermantes). We focus on the Dreyfus Affair and its role in French society at the time of Proust and today.
  1. Searching for Justice: Proust and the Dreyfus Affair
  2. Through the Pages of Time
  3. In Search of Lost Podcasts: Les Bookworms Revival
  4. 2 Down 5 to Go: Reflections on Volume II of Proust
  5. A mix of gumption and courage: Paris memoirs

Aperçu du livre

Ce petit roman est assez simple par rapport à l’histoire présentée. On pourrait le lire comme un dernier testament du personnage principal qui s’appelle Meursault. Pendant ce roman, on suit Meursault, un pied noir en Algerie dans sa vie quotidienne. Il explique la mort de sa mère, la rencontre de son amoureuse Marie, les nouvelles de ses amies, et le plus intriguant un procès criminel qui l’ accuse d’être meurtrier. Ce roman est plus connu pour sa critique sociétale et l’absurdisme trouvé dedans. 



Les thèmes déterminants

  1. Albert Camus et L’Etranger
  2. L’indifference
  3. L’insignifiance

Comment ce livre raviver, approfondir, ou contester ton idée de la francophonie?

 A sa façon oui. Camus présente un personnage qui n’est ni croyant ni catholique. Meursault ne pense pas à la philosophie ou à la littérature ou aux règles. Il ne respecte pas le concept d’être français a cet époque. Ce roman suggère qu’il y avait des divisions implicites pendant l’ histoire de la France. Par ailleurs, ce roman critique l’utilisation de la guillotine pour la peine capitale qui restait la méthode d’exécution française jusqu’en 1977. Camus a essayé de contester l’idée de sa francophonie.