There’s Only One Paris


April Lily Heise

Back Cover

“There’s only one Paris, and however hard living here may be, and if it became worse and even harder, [the city does] a world of good.” — Vincent van Gogh. In the midst of a global pandemic, the artist’s words resonate more than ever. Through a series of interconnected stories, we journey to Paris for a glimpse at how it and its residents are adapting to the “new normal.” As we traverse Paris’s 20 arrondissements, we encounter an eclectic cast of characters who must confront a range of new challenges and emotions provoked by Covid-19. By daring to overcome anxiety, loneliness and stubbornness, they find courage, love and—most importantly, hope—exactly what we need in these uncertain times. In the face of adversity, the City of Light always sparkles—and proves it does a world of good.“

Our Thoughts

This book felt like a walk in Paris. I really enjoyed how each arrondissement has its own unique story with flashes of the other characters popping up from time to time. It always made me smile when I made the connection from story to story of main characters becoming side characters in another’s narrative. I can’t choose which is my favorite because each has its own style and flavor to offer (although I do have a least favorite…more on that later). I loved the diversity of the stories in terms of the Parisian story – there was a mix of everything that made this book relatable and truly reflective of the real Paris. Everyone had found their way to this ever changing yet always present city for different reasons and from different backgrounds. It was clear in the historical details, the choice and description of the Paris spots that were highlighted and the genuine admiration of Paris that shines through that this book was written with immense love for a city that has brought so much to so many. I’m not going to lie – it was wild to read about COVID in a fiction. It really struck me as such a marker of time and of this significant event to read about someone thinking about a mask in their handbag or how far someone was standing from them on the metro. Very relatable! Which brings me to the metro and as hinted at my least favorite. However, it isn’t for the reason you may think. I really enjoyed how the Parisian metro weaves its way throughout the entire city and the book in an all too accurate way. I was having such anxiety for the poor chap the entire time!!! It goes to show how much I was living and traveling through this book if I was getting all upset about the metro experience! 

All in all, this was a really cute read. I enjoyed getting to virtually travel to Paris and discover neighborhoods and areas that I didn’t know about. Next time I found myself in Paname I will definitely keep my eye out for a few of the fun tidbits I learned from @jetaimemeneither! “There’s Only One Paris” by April Lily Heist is available in paper book, e-book, and audiobook! 


Fiction, Short Stories

Page Count: 346

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